Russell Trunk’s Exclusive Magazine Reviews Circuline’s “C.O.R.E.”

Russell Trunk, Russell Trunk's Exclusive Magazine, Circuline, CORE, C.O.R.E., Andrew Colyer, Natalie Brown, Darin Brannon, Shelby Logan Warne, Dave Bainbridge

Thank you so much, Russell Trunk, for reviewing Circuline’s C.O.R.E. !!

“The brand new recording opens on the simply magnificent, free flowing AOR-prog that rides on veritably glistening wings, Tempus Horribilis and then we get the beautifully sweet Third Rail, the Steven Wilson meets Pierre Moerlin’s Gong sounds that thrive within Say Their Name and the funky bass line-fed, mid-tempo prog rock that drives All.

Along next is the sumptuously-sculpted AOR ballad Temporal Thing, which is itself backed seamlessly by the more enchanted vibrancy that drifts within the gripping You, the album rounding out on the gorgeous power balladry of Blindside, closing on another song about relationships and finding yourself, the near ten-minute opus Transmission Error.”


“One of the Best Albums of the Year” – Progressive Rock Central (US)

Progressive Rock Central, Circuline, CORE, C.O.R.E., Andrew Colyer, Natalie Brown, Darin Brannon, Dave Bainbridge, Shelby Logan Warne,

“Every song is worth its weight in gold. One of the best albums of the year.” – Progressive Rock Central


Thank you so much, Professor Mark Preising, for this fantastic review!…/06/circuline-c-o-r-e



Classic Album Review Recommends Circuline’s “C.O.R.E.”

Classic Album Review, Circuline, CORE, C.O.R.E., progressive rock, Andrew Colyer, Natalie Brown, Darin Brannon, Shelby Logan Warne, Dave Bainbridge

Thank you so much, Classic Album Review, for recommending Circuline’s new album C.O.R.E. on your YouTube Channel of 66K subscribers!

“Some great new prog and rock here…..fascinating…..wonderful…..gorgeous album…..lovely stuff…..wailing guitar from Dave Bainbridge – wonderful tone, very Gilmour-esque… the bass – well done! Gentle-Giant-esque vocal stabs…..serene guitar patches…..delightful warbling…..wonderful job with the singing…..wraps up with a nine-minute epic…chugging guitar…..fluty keyboard parts…..Newman-esque vocal affectations…..nice contrast with the quieter piano parts…..I urge you to check this one out…..this album is really fascinating…..Do check this one out! I seriously mean it, I think you’ll like it.”

Classic Album Review, Circuline, CORE, C.O.R.E., progressive rock, Andrew Colyer, Natalie Brown, Darin Brannon, Shelby Logan Warne, Dave Bainbridge

Watch this intro – this guy is funny! The Circuline Album review starts around 8:09. Enjoy!


Get Ready to Rock (UK) Reviews “C.O.R.E.”

Get Ready to Rock, Circuline, Yes, Spock's Beard, Clare Torry, Renaissance, Camel, Andrew Colyer, Darin Brannon, CORE, C.O.R.E., Dave Bainbridge, progressive rock, prog, PROG

“C.O.R.E. demands your attention…..The advanced track that caught our attention – and the album standout – is ‘All’ and is a very good example of the band’s musicality. A sense of real propulsion, great keyboard (Andrew Colyer) and guitar interplay and evoking prime-time proggers such as bands like Yes and, more recently, Spock’s Beard……Even morphing into semi-Camel territory…..‘Third Rail’ immediately brings to mind Renaissance, circa ‘Ashes Are Burning’-era, whilst ‘Say Their Name’ continues that …..‘Temporal Thing’ also has a jazz rock thing going on……‘Blindside’ is a little more conventional, fronted by Colyer’s vocal and a pleasing and plaintive Bainbridge solo ushering in some Clare Torry-style hollering (from Natalie, not Andrew!)……It’s certainly an interesting pot-pourri of prog …..this should be filed next to another great slice of recent modern prog.”

