“C.O.R.E. demands your attention…..The advanced track that caught our attention – and the album standout – is ‘All’ and is a very good example of the band’s musicality. A sense of real propulsion, great keyboard (Andrew Colyer) and guitar interplay and evoking prime-time proggers such as bands like Yes and, more recently, Spock’s Beard……Even morphing into semi-Camel territory…..‘Third Rail’ immediately brings to mind Renaissance, circa ‘Ashes Are Burning’-era, whilst ‘Say Their Name’ continues that …..‘Temporal Thing’ also has a jazz rock thing going on……‘Blindside’ is a little more conventional, fronted by Colyer’s vocal and a pleasing and plaintive Bainbridge solo ushering in some Clare Torry-style hollering (from Natalie, not Andrew!)……It’s certainly an interesting pot-pourri of prog …..this should be filed next to another great slice of recent modern prog.”