
Progression Magazine gives Circuline 4-Star Review and Profiles Sonic Voyage Fest


Progression Magazine‘s Fall 2015 issue gives a four star review (our of five) to Circuline’s debut album, and features the Sonic Voyage Fest! Included in the write-up are Andrew Colyer, David Mercado, Joe Deninzon, Natalie Brown, William Spillane, and triple-threat bassist Paul Ranieri. Circuline, Shadow Eden, and Stratospheerius founded the Sonic Voyage Fest in May 2015.  Special thanks to John Collinge for the feature!

Circuline Studio Album Update – August 2015

Circuline’s second album is slated for a March 2016 release date!  Andrew Colyer (keyboards/vocals/sound design), Darin Brannon (drums/keyboards) and William “Billy” Spillane (guitars/vocals) are working in The Cave, composing and recording the second album.  Here are some photos from the August writing and recording sessions.

Andrew Colyer and Darin Brannon working on Circuline's second album in The Cave.

Andrew Colyer and Darin Brannon working on Circuline’s second album.

William "Billy" Spillane working on guitar parts for Circuline's second album.

William “Billy” Spillane working on guitar parts for Circuline’s second album.

Andrew Colyer's Circuline workstation at The Cave.

Andrew Colyer’s Circuline workstation at The Cave.

Darin Brannon between the keys at The Cave.

Darin Brannon between the keys at The Cave.

Circuline's Andrew Colyer mans the computer during recording sessions in The Cave.

Andrew Colyer mans the computer during recording sessions in The Cave.

William "Billy" Spillane plays a custom guitar built by his brother.

William “Billy” Spillane plays a custom guitar built by his brother.

Darin Brannon writing at the keyboard for Circuline's second album.

Darin Brannon writing at the keyboard for Circuline’s second album.

Andrew Colyer and Darin Brannon recording Circuline's second album in The Cave.

Andrew and Darin recording Circuline’s second album in The Cave.
