Circuline in the Studio – Summer 2014

Saturday, July 26th – In preparation for the fall album release of original melodic cinematic progressive rock music, Circuline  continued the epic two-day weekend rehearsal schedule, from 11 am to 10 pm on Saturday.  Rehearsal continued in the new remote location – “The Toolshed”  in upstate New York.

Sunday, July 27th – Vinnie’s Garage – Day #1 – Circuline went to Emmy-award-winning jazz master Vinnie Martucci’s studio to record pre-production tracks.  Photos below:

Circuline picking up food on the way to the studio

Circuline picking up food on the way to the studio

Setting up the drum mics for Darin's kit

Setting up the drum mics for Darin’s kit

Keyboard rig at Vinnie's Garage - July 2014

Keyboard rig at Vinnie’s Garage – July 2014

Circuline in the studio - July 2014 - Darin Brannon (drums), Dan Aggers (bass), and Bill Shannon (guitar)

Circuline in the studio – July 2014 – Darin Brannon (drums), Dan Aggers (bass), and Bill Shannon (guitar)

Andrew Colyer at Vinnie's Garage - July 27th, 2014

Andrew Colyer at Vinnie’s Garage – July 2014

Darin Brannon loves having an engineer to work with!

Darin Brannon loves having an engineer to work with!

Vinnie Martucci's vintage Minimoog!

Vinnie Martucci’s vintage Minimoog!

Vinnie Martucci behind the control room glass - July 2014

Vinnie Martucci behind the control room glass – July 2014

Bill Shannon is so happy to in the studio!

Bill Shannon is so happy to be in the studio!

Saturday, August 9th / Sunday, August 10th
Pre-Production Recording / Arranging / Mixing at Inner Nova Records

Darin takes a picture of Andrew taking a picture of him.

Darin takes a picture of Andrew taking a picture of him.

Andrew is brain dead after engineering all weekend.

Andrew is brain dead after engineering all weekend.

Saturday, August 16th / Sunday, August 17th
Circuline moves into new writing space –  “The Cave”

Circuline's new writing space - "The Cave" - August 2014

Circuline’s new writing space – “The Cave” – August 2014 – “Before” photo

Circuline in new writing space - "The Cave" - August 2014 - "After" photo

Circuline in new writing space – “The Cave” – August 2014 – “After” photo

Saturday, August 23rd / Sunday, August 24th
Saturday – writing / arranging / recording / mixing at Inner Nova records – “I Wish”
Sunday – Darin setup and recorded his drum parts over at The Cave for “I Wish”, while Bill and Andrew Colyer worked on the structure for “Geode”

Bill Shannon works out his guitar parts in The Cave.

Bill Shannon works out his guitar parts in The Cave.

Darin Brannon works out his drum parts in The Cave.

Darin Brannon works out his drum parts in The Cave.

Andrew Colyer works out his keyboard parts in The Cave.

Andrew Colyer works out his keyboard parts in The Cave.


Circuline Rehearsal – June 21st and 22nd

Circuline  welcomes new bass player, composer, and vocalist – Daniel Aggers!

In preparation for the end-of-summer EP release of original melodic cinematic progressive rock music, Circuline  resumed the epic two-day weekend rehearsal schedule, from 11 am to 10 pm on Saturdays, and 11 am to 6 pm on Sundays.  Rehearsals have moved to a new remote location – “The Toolshed”  in upstate New York.

On Saturday (happy Summer Solstice!), Andrew Colyer (keyboards, vocals), Darin Brannon (drums, percussion), Bill Shannon (guitars, vocals), Daniel Aggers (bass, bass pedals, vocals), lead vocalist Natalie Brown, and  lead vocalist Billy Spillane continued composing music, lyrics, melody lines, and harmonies for the song “In Through The Sun”.  On Sunday, the process continued with the song “Stereotypes”.

Lead singers of Circuline - Natalie Brown and Billy Spillane

Lead singers of Circuline – Natalie Brown and Billy Spillane

Darin Brannon behind his thunderous drum kit.

Darin Brannon behind his thunderous drum kit.

Andrew Colyer with his keyboard rig at "The Toolshed".

Andrew Colyer with his keyboard rig at “The Toolshed”.

The "Silly Billies" - Bill Shannon and Billy Spillane showing off their guitars.

The “Silly Billies” – Bill Shannon and Billy Spillane showing off their guitars.

New Circuline member Daniel Aggers (bass, bass pedals, vocals), with lead vocalist Natalie Brown

New Circuline member Daniel Aggers (bass, bass pedals, vocals), with lead vocalist Natalie Brown


Circuline Begins

“Former members of the Progressive Rock Tribute Band Downing Grey decide to write original material…..and form a new band……….Circuline.”

The writing has already begun!

See you soon…….
