Circuline's New Album "C.O.R.E." Available Now!


Circuline Contributes Charity Track

Circuline Contributes Charity Track

Circuline recently contributed the track "Nautilus" from their second album Counterpoint to the compilation album One Love! Music For Relief, out now via There is Hope records.  There is Hope is a not-for-profit subsidiary of Melodic Revolution Records, founded by Nick Katona. 100% of the proceeds...

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2016 Progressive Music Awards

2016 Progressive Music Awards

Congratulations to all of our colleagues who won at the Progressive Music Awards last night! Congratulations also to all of the nominees who didn't win, ourselves included.  🙂  It's an honor to be nominated, and were pleased that they featured a video clip from Circuline as one of the top three...

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Official Live and Studio Videos
