
Circuline recently contributed the track “Nautilus” from their second album Counterpoint to the compilation album One Love! Music For Relief, out now via There is Hope records.  There is Hope is a not-for-profit subsidiary of Melodic Revolution Records, founded by Nick Katona.

100% of the proceeds of the album sales will go to support organizations like Music for Relief, Habitat for Humanity, Save the Children, and the American Red Cross.

Music for Relief was founded by the band Linkin Park in response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Since inception in 2005 Music for Relief has raised over $7 million for survivors of multiple disasters across four continents including Hurricane Katrina, China’s Wenchuan earthquake, a cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe, earthquakes in Haiti and Japan in 2010, and Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

MFR has organized benefit concerts, online auctions, and events with multi-platinum musicians and celebrities to help rebuild and donate supplies to people in need. Music for Relief has also planted over 1.3 million trees to help reduce climate change.
