Aug 21, 2018 | Circuline Album Reviews

Thank you so much, Martin Hutchinson of Prog Radar, for this great review of CircuLive::Majestik!!
“Highly impressive progressive rock act…..dramatic and powerful performances…..bombastically brilliant…..raises the hairs on the back of my neck…..well shot DVD draws you in and makes you feel as if you are part of the whole experience…..soaring to the heights of The Majestic’s roof… this spellbinding show, it’s not just a concert, it really is like going to the theatre to watch a musical extravaganza and Circuline really deliver that”
“As live albums go this one has to be right up there with some of the recent best. Having excellent songs is a good start but to be able to translate those tracks into the live arena this well takes some real skill and Circuline have that in spades.”
For the full review:
Jul 20, 2018 | Circuline Album Reviews

Thank you so much, Esther Kessel-Tamerus, for the great review of the CircuLive::Majestik CD/DVD, rating it an 85/100!
“Surely rocking….captivating, surprising, and experimental in nature…epic…sparkling in terms of performance…with this release, Circuline proves that they are a solid live band. (85/100)”
May 21, 2018 | Circuline News and Band Updates

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you friends, fans, and family members who used PledgeMusic to pre-order our new CircuLive::Majestik CD/DVD/Blu-Ray! This is the first time we’ve done something like this, so we really appreciate your support. We also hope that you like the concert, and all of the Pre-Order Exclusives that you signed up for!
All digital downloads were delivered on Friday, May 18th, and all packages shipped out of the post office today!

We were proud and excited to ship worldwide, to the following countries:
Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands,
Spain, Sweden, United States
Special Thanks to each and every one of you!
Titanium Bundle: Bob Harris
Platinum Bundle: Georgene Brannon, Mike Sues, Sarah Schultz Young, David Young, Rita Kay Drew
Silver Bundle: Sven Henriksen, Göran Johansson
Bronze Bundle: Dan Lohrfink, Alejandro Lirusso Memoli, Michael Byrne
AccessPass + everything else:
Dennis Themenace Schmied, Rhonda Wagner CFP, CHFC, Robert Berry, Szekszárdi SZC Vályi Péter Szakképző Iskolája és Kollégiuma, David Matthews, Joseph Lopes, Joe Nardulli, Jeff Coleman, Jesper Pedersen, Michael Crotty, Mark Crescimanni, Thomas Neumann, Amy Shipley, Rick Steinau, Erik Bloomquist, Jean Hodge-Raymond, N. Andrew Griffin, Your Town Realty, Matthew J Hesse, Sally Bowkett, Richard Spillane, John Spillane, Peter salo, Ian Wilson, Martin Seidel, Mark Bocain, Martin Sutton, Joseph Alvarez, Nick Katona, Jon Haverman, Michael Pollack, Emily Winter, Sal Anfuso, Keith Kehoe, David Kishinevsky, Simon Phibbs, Javier Villanueva, Adair Rowland, Randy Zinkus, Judson Brannon, Toby Moss Krawitz, Kelly Conran Berlo, Chris Polson, Renee Mantkowski, Dana Eddy, Michael Gauvreau, Seppo Liimatainen, Andrew Scott Harthausen, Wendy Dunbar Valeri, Andrew Curtis, Joseph Dhara, Rob Rutz, William Leedham, John Giordano, Peter Timmerman, Joshua Creasey, Paul Rijkens, Michael Thompson, Suzanne Reardon-Mulhall, Mika Salminen, Ann Hewitt Worthington, Artwork by Bjørn Frode Egelandsdal, Jacques Lamarre, Jamison Smeltz, Mike Gusway, Teri Vautrain, Adam Ashley, Stephanie Schultz Ashley, Nelson Rice, Barbara Brown Schultz, Rob MacMullan, Phil Merkel, Krista Phillips, Robert Schindler, Stephen Mitchell, Patrick Lanz, Mr. T. L. Fowler, Doug Curran, Jerry Williams, Marty Dorfman, Nancy Matarazzo Moore
THANK YOU SO MUCH, everyone!!