Sonic Voyage Fest 2016 – Thank you!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the shows on the 2016 Sonic Voyage Fest tour! Thanks also to Stratospheerius and Cell 15 for their awesome performances! Pictures coming soon!
Circuline Receives Feature in PROG Magazine Issue 69
Circuline received a two-page Feature in PROG Magazine 69! Following a 45-minute Skype interview with Andrew Colyer and Darin Brannon, rock journalist Rich Wilson wrote a great story about Circuline's past, present, and future, including tales of Downing Grey, founding guitarist Bill...
Circuline’s Counterpoint Reviewed in Classic Rock Society (UK)
Circuline's new album Counterpoint received an excellent review in the UK's Classic Rock Society magazine! "Confident in its vision.....a very particular style.....What we have here is drama - big, bombastic, epic progressive rock with everything turned up to 11. The production is massive.....two...