Circuline had its beginnings in the progressive rock tribute band, Downing Grey. We would cover nine bands per night, performing three hour concerts of YES, Genesis, ELP, Pink Floyd, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, UK, Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, and Rush (the only non-British prog band). This picture of keyboardist Andrew Colyer and guitarist Bill Shannon is from May 2013, at a grueling DG rehearsal in Newburgh, New York…..

@colyermusic #DowningGreyMusic #CirculineMusic #progressiverock #progrock #progressiverockcommunity #YES #Yesband #stevehowe #rickwakeman #geoffdownes #genesisband #tonybanks #mikerutherford #stevehackett #ELP #keithemerson #pinkfloyd #gentlegiant #kingcrimson #robertfripp #jethrotull #ledzeppelin #jimmypage #rushband #alexlifeson
