
Thank you so much to Big Bang Magazine (France) for the great review of Circuline’s debut album in Issue 94!

“Remarkable [and] skillful musicians…..deserve(s) that we pay closer attention…..untimely musical vibes…..prolific ideas, like a breath of fresh air…..these exciting 40 minutes…..a duo of convincing vocal performers…..these artists refuse all labeling and don’t take the easy route…..their music, defined by their soul just like ‘melodic and cinematic rock for the 21st century’…..a delightful vocal performance (Silence Revealed)…..prog AOR accents, cinematic landscapes and instrumental fusions…..variety [that] thrives of rigor and intensity…..a devilishly successful album…..perfect in its genre…..”

Special thanks to Olivier Pelletant for such a great review!
